Director Credential Course
January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025
12:00 am - 11:55 pm
Director Credential Course
Integrity Training & Professional Services is your place to go to obtain your State of Texas Childcare Director Credential.
We are accepting applications for individuals seeking the Credential for a Childcare Center or Licensed Childcare Home.
The course is recognized by Texas Health & Human Services-Child Care Licensing. Our course outline meet the requirements per THHS and Childcare Minimum Standards 746 and 747.
Classes held every month. Dates and times vary.
The course is held via Zoom. In person courses can be arranged if there are four or more attendees per school.
Participants must complete all sessions and assignments in order to successfully pass the course.
We offer 25 hours of business management training and 25 hours of Child Development and we offer required courses to obtain a non expiring directors permit.
(Please bring your own lunch. Drinks will be provided.)
Credential Course Track is $650.00 per person & the Business Management Track is $650 per person.
$100 Non-Refundable due to reserve your space in the class and the remaining balance is due prior to the first day of class. The classes are Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Class date and time will be provided after registration.
Childcare Director Credential Course Topics:
• Ages and Stages of Child Development
• Children with Special Needs/Potential Special Needs
• Health and Safety Requirements and Environments
• The Learning Environment
• Guidance and Discipline
• Parent and Community Relations
• Observation and Assessment Techniques
• Basic Business Management
• Business Leadership
• Staff Supervision, Management and Mentoring
• Basic Childcare Management and Business Operations
• Managing the Childcare Program Daily Operations & Compliance
• Review of Childcare Minimum Standards
Childcare Director Business Management Course Topics:
• Basic Business Management
• Business Leadership
• Staff Supervision, Management and Mentoring
• Basic Childcare Management and Business Operations
• Managing the Childcare Program Daily Operations & Compliance Review of Childcare Minimum Standards
Childcare Director Credential Requirement:
*Successfully complete & pass all 4 classes,
*Assignments and assessments
*Successfully complete a comprehensive examination
*Provide a copy of your current first aid/cpr certificate
*Provide a copy of your drivers license and be at least 21 years of age
*Provide a copy of your high school diploma
*Be in good standing with Child Care Licensing
Director Renewal Process:
• In order to renew your director certificate, you must complete the renewal application and pay the $100 renewal fee.• In order to renew, you must submit all of your renewal documents 30 days prior to the expiration date of your credential. Upon receipt, we will send you verification that we received your documents via email. You can email your documents to: natasha670@yahoo.com or mail to: PO Box 1175, Mansfield TX 76063
• Certify you are the director or assistant director of the childcare center or the director of the licensed home and have been for the past 2 years.
• Certify the childcare center or home has not been on probation nor received more than 4 deficiencies within the 2 years. Please provide an explanation for each deficiency, along with a safety plan and the plan for compliance.
• Certify your childcare center or childcare home
• Certify you have not been convicted of a felony offense or misdemeanor and certify you are in good standing with the Childcare Licensing.
Director Renewal Instructions:
Submit your application and payment to Integrity Training.
Submit a copy of Current first aid and CPR certificate.
Submit a copy of your training outline, along with copies of your certificates for the past 2 years. In there, you are required to have 60 hours of training. You must have completed 30 hours of training in child growth and development and 10 hours of business, leadership or staff supervision.
Along with the trainings, please submit your statement on what you learned from each training and how you will implement the information into your childcare program.
Also, ensure each trainer who signed the certificate meet the childcare licensing trainer requirements. We will verify all information submitted for renewal.
Submit child care licensing inspections and/or investigations for the last two years.
Submit a copy of your original director credential issued by IT&PS or an approved director administrator credential program per CCL requirements.
Once all document are received, our team will review and email where you meet compliance for renewal or not.